[1].鞠可一,周德群. 石油价格波动对经济的影响及其预警知识库系统研究,科学出版社,2016.
[2].鞠可一等. 中国天然气高质量发展报告(2021),石油工业出版社,2021.
[1].Keyi Ju, Lei He, Wenhui Li, Qin Ye, Dequn Zhou, Xiaozhuo Wei, Siyang Xu. Put an eye on the future: Rethinking the theoretical price of fossil energy based on the perspective of intergenerational equity,Applied Energy, 2023, 347,121432 (中科院一区,TOP,SCI&SSCI&EI检索,IF=11.2)
[2].Keyi Ju, Dejin Zhou, Qunwei Wang, Dequn Zhou, Xiaozhuo Wei. What comes after picking pollution intensive low-hanging fruits? Transfer direction of environmental regulation in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 10(258):1-15 (中科院一区,TOP,SSCI& EI检索,IF=11.072)
[3].Keyi Ju, Bin Su, Dequn Zhou, Junmin Wu. Does energy-price regulation benefit China’s economy and environment? Evidence from energy-price distortions. Energy Policy, 2017, 105:108-119. (中科院一区,TOP,SSCI&SCI&EI检索,IF=7.576)
[4].Keyi Ju, Bin Su, Dequn Zhou, Yuqiang Zhang. An incentive-oriented early warning system for predicting the co-movements between oil price shocks and macroeconomy. Applied Energy, 2016,2(163):452-463. (中科院一区,TOP,SSCI&SCI&EI检索,IF=11.446)
[5].Keyi Ju, Bin Su, Dequn Zhou, Junmin Wu, Lifan Liu. Macroeconomic performance of oil price shocks: Outlier evidence from nineteen major oil-related countries/regions. Energy Economics, 2016, 60:325-332 (中科院二区,ABS-3星,SSCI&EI检索,IF=9.252 )
[6].Keyi Ju, Bin Su, Dequn Zhou, Yuqiang Zhang. An incentive-oriented early warning system for predicting the co-movements between oil price shocks and macroeconomy. Applied Energy, 2016,2(163):452-463. (中科院一区,TOP,SCI&SSCI&EI检索,IF=7.900)
[7].Keyi Ju, Bin Su, Peng Zhou, Dequn Zhou, Yuqiang Zhang. Oil price crisis response: Capability assessment and key indicator identification. Energy, 2015, 32:1353-1360. (中科院一区,TOP,SCI&SSCI&EI检索,IF=4.968)
[8].Keyi Ju, Peng Zhou, Dequn Zhou, Junmin Wu. Macroeconomic effects of oil price shocks in China: An empirical study based on Hilbert–Huang transform and event study. Applied Energy, 2014, 136:1053-1066. (中科院一区,TOP,SCI&SSCI&EI检索,IF=7.900)
[9].Keyi Ju, Jue Wang, Xiaozhuo Wei, Hao Li, Siyang Xu. A comprehensive evaluation of the security of the water-energy-food systems in China. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2023, 39: 145-161. (中科院二区,SSCI检索,IF=8.921)
[10].Keyi Ju, Qunwei Wang, Lifan Liu, Dequn Zhou. Measurement of the price distortion degree for exhaustible energy resources in China: a discount rate perspective. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2019, 4: 2718-2737.(中科院四区,SSCI&SCI检索,IF=0.934)
[11].鞠可一,周得瑾,吴君民. 环境规制可以“双赢”吗?——中国工业行业细分视角下的强“波特假说”研究. 北京理工大学学报(社会科学版),2020,22(01):21-28(CSSCI检索,中文核心期刊)
[12].Jue Wang, Keyi Ju, Xiaozhuo Wei. Where Will ‘Water-Energy-Food’ Research Go Next?--Visualisation Review and Prospect. Sustainability, 2022, 14: 7751(中科院四区,SSCI检索,IF=3.251)
[13].Yang Bai, Peng Zhou, Dequn Zhou, Fanyi Meng, Keyi Ju. Desirable policies of a strategic petroleum reserve in coping with disruption risk: A Markov decision process approach. Computers & Operations Research, 2016, 66: 58-66 (中科院二区,SCI&EI检索,IF=5.159,)
[14].周德群,鞠可一*,周鹏,吴君民. 石油价格波动预警分级机制研究. 系统工程理论与实践,2013,33(3):585-592. (自科基金委管理学部认定A刊,CSSCI&EI检索,中文核心期刊)
[15].鞠可一,周德群,张玉强. 高维离群检测算法及其应用. 系统工程,2008,26(11):116-122. (自科基金委管理学部认定B刊,CSSCI检索,中文核心期刊)
[16].鞠可一,周德群,吴君民. 混合概念格在案例相似性度量中的应用. 控制与决策,2010, 25(7):987-992. (EI检索)
[17].鞠可一,周德群,王群伟,吴君民. 中国能源消费结构与能源安全关联的实证分析. 资源科学,2010,32(9):1692-1697. (CSSCI检索,中文核心期刊)
[18].鞠可一,李银涯. 战略石油储备体系构建:国际经验及中国策略. 油气储运, 2015,34(11):1147-1153. (CSSCI检索,中文核心期刊)
[19].鞠可一,李浩,徐翰维,廖培懿,王珏.基于DEMATEL-ISM的智能楼宇用户舒适性影响因素研究.工程管理学报,2023,37(03):90-95. (SCD检索)
[20].鞠可一,叶钦,李文慧,何蕾. 长三角地区大气污染水平时空分布特征及影响因素差异分析. 科技与经济,2022,8(4):11-15,60 (SCD检索)
[21].鞠可一,戈棨琛,周德群,吴君民. 中国碳交易市场碳价波动分析.江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版),2019,33(1):78-86.(中文核心期刊)
[22].鞠可一,周德群,吴君民. 石油价格波动对我国经济影响的系统动力学分析. raybey雷竞技
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[23].刘立凡,鞠笑,鞠可一,能源价格扭曲对中国经济各部门价格的波及效应研究. raybey雷竞技
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[24].鞠可一,周德群,吴君民. 石油价格波动对经济影响的预警知识库构造. 能源技术与管理,2011,(5):21-23.
[25].鞠可一. “一带一路”倡议下中外合作办学模式创新研究. 教育教学论坛,2021,(46):29-32(教改论文)
[26].鞠可一,王群伟. 能源经济学专业人才培养模式及培养策略初探,能源技术与管理,2015,40(5):21-24. (教改论文)
[27].鞠可一,何蕾,李文慧,叶钦. 能源价格适度纠偏对碳达峰影响的情景分析[C]. 2022 International Conference on Applied Economics and Low Carbon Development(AELCD), 2022.
[28].鞠可一,李文慧,何蕾,叶钦. 疫情管控措施对中国碳排放水平影响的省域及行业分析[C]. 2022 International Conference on Applied Economics and Low Carbon Development(AELCD), 2022.
[30].许思洋,鞠可一,王珏,刘海玲. 船舶替代燃料动力系统综合评价及选择策略.上海海事大学学报.(录用待刊)
[31].鞠可一,马雨静,李善志,许思洋. 基于家庭结构差异的新能源汽车购买意愿研究. 经营与管理.(录用待刊)